Friday, 6 April 2012



What do we actually celebrate on Good Friday? His death or what His death brought to us? Are we happy that He died particularly such a cruel death or we are happy that He brought us salvation and every other thing that accompany salvation? Just as I was ruminating over this, I discovered that we are celebrating what He died for in His death and here are some of the things that His death avails us.

We celebrate the fact that at last a Perfect Sacrifice/Passover lamb/Scapegoat has been found for the sins of entire mankind.

We celebrate the fact that He died because it was a very difficult task that He undertook. No one else was qualified to do it and no one else could have done it. (He was the only One qualified and perfect for that difficult and great sacrifice).

It was good that He died because through His death the curse brought upon us by Adam was removed.

Through His death, we have access into the holies of holies. We now have blood that is good enough to allow us into the throne room.

It is by His stripes that we are healed.

It was good because His death was substitutionary (we are the guilty ones but He was the one that was punished). His death was effectual and propitiationary.

Without His death, there would not have been His resurrection. Without His resurrection there would not have been justification for us.

His death affords us access to the Tree of life which Adam through sin forfeited on our behalf.

His death would bring man, nature and the entire creation back in harmony.

His death gave us hope of resurrection. Adam brought Sin, Christ’s death brought Grace. Adam brought Offense, Christ’s death brought free gift. Adam brought Condemnation, Christ’s death brought Justification.  Adam brought Death, Christ’s death brought Righteousness, eternal life.

Lord, Your death has brought us near to God. Thank you for Your death. Happy Easter to you all. Remain blessed.


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