Tuesday, 3 June 2014


James 4:13-16

“Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15 Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." 16 As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil.”

Gifts comes in different sizes and so their values and worth. Our life is a gift from God, a very special gift. The idea of how to make a gain, where to go how to execute a plan can never see the light of day without this gift. How should we receive it? What should be our disposition to this gift? And what are the implications of this gift of life? Let us look at the passage above from the book of James.  

A Little Background To The Book Of James
James, the author of the book of James is truly a humble man, he was the brother of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, he was the first leader of the church in Jerusalem, he was an apostle, and an elder. He humbly introduced himself as ‘a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ’. You will appreciate this when you look at the Greek word translated servant in the text, the word translated is ‘doulos’ which is more often translated ‘slave’ but could also mean ‘servant’. This is the reason NLT, The Message, CJB and some others translated the word ‘slave’. The author was contented to be addressed as a slave of God and slave of Jesus Christ. To me, a true servant rejoices in his positions for so many reasons. I would not want to be found guilty of eisegesis so, I will remain with the text and say what it says and apply. The book contains marks of true religion.

James in this book challenges those who so much ‘trust’ in their planning as if they know what will happen tomorrow and how it would happen. Sometimes ago, at a Hospital in Fugar, Edo State in Nigeria, I saw the body of one our brethren being taking to the mortuary for embalmment and such a sight had constantly reminded me of how unpredictable the next moment could be for anyone, just few minutes ago, he was alive, full of life and a road accident just snuffed life out of him. Some of you who are reading this would remember the brother and that accident in 2002/2003.

Several cases like that have happened, people die unexpectedly through accidents, war, natural disaster and such likes. Some are struck down with some diseases and illness. None can boast about what would happen even in the next few moment. As we have trusted the Lord who is faithful to keep us, we should continue to trust Him, He never sleeps He never slumber and ‘He is never tired of hearing our prayer’. To therefore boast ‘I will do this or that’, ‘go to so and so places, without adequate recognition of the Sovereign will of God is evil. (vs. 16)

The Gift of Life
James tells us “You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes”. Each of us must have a correct evaluation of life, this would eliminate pride, generate appreciation to the Giver of this gift called life, and infuses in us a sobering and diligent preparation for our home beyond the sky knowing full well that our flight can come up any moment.     
Scripture has told us in Hebrew 11: 13 that ‘we have no continuing city here’ and that ‘no one has the power to keep their spirit from leaving or stop their death’ (Ecc. 8:8 ERV). It is either we meet Him in the sky or He calls us out of the grave at His coming. It is certain we are leaving this side of eternity someday and no one knows how soon. This is my thought on how to receive the gift of life.

Gift should be received with appreciation.
David, the sweet Psalmist of Israel wrote: “It is good… to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night” (Ps. 92: 1-2). It is indeed a good thing to be grateful to God. “Because of the LORD’S great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lam. 3: 22-23). If you have survived an accident and perhaps you were terribly wounded, remember those who died in the accident. If you are coping with a kind of sickness, remember those who had died suddenly who were healthy. Perhaps you are poor think about those who were rich and had died. God is good to everyone, no matter what. That you have waited for your marriage for years and it is yet to come or that you that you have waited on God for a child that you are yet to have cannot disprove God’s faithfulness. He goes through your pains with you (Isai. 43: 2) What pleases the Lord most is a life lived for Him in appreciation of His goodness.

Gifts should be treasured.
Do you treasure this gift of life giving to you? Do you harm this body which is the ‘container’ of your spirit? Do you cherish this life? Some through their carelessness cut short their life. Some would even chose to die for a worthless cause. Some kill others in the name of abortion – taking a life that you cannot create! Some commit suicide. Some in disregard for the Giver of life inflicted abominable marks on themselves called ‘tattoo’. God’s gift should be treasured and must be treated and used only in ways pleasing to Him alone.    

Due acknowledgement is required.
To pretend as if one is responsible for his own life is hypocrisy. Our intellects and abilities have a subtle way of engaging our planning without due acknowledgement of our God. We must constantly say like David to ourselves ‘forget not His benefits’ God expects that we acknowledge Him. In His word we read “in all your ways, acknowledge Him” (Pro. 3: 6). God deserves to be acknowledged. Let this be a deliberate act by you. Let your word be seasoned with grace.

People had been planning their life without God. Thinking that they had the best of plan but the most important part of any plan is the God’s factor, without God in our plan, we are not even sure of our own life. The rich fool in Luke 12: 16-20 is a biblical example. He thought he could plan without God. All God did was to withdraw the gift of life extended to him. You should never plan without God. Then appreciate His gift of life to you, treasure it and acknowledge it. Here is a story you will like to read, it is titled “Going Under”

Last November, Coast Guard rescuers lowered their helicopter basket and pulled in a drowning family of four.
A man was taking his family from Norfolk, Virginia to Bermuda. Normally, it was a short and pleasant excursion. But he failed to notice Tropical Storm Gordon descending upon his path. They endured 19 hours of 20-foot waves and 50-mph winds. Their sailboat was tossed like a toy. Many of those hours were spent in prayer for survival.

When it was over, did they thank the one who answered their prayers? Surely they thanked the Coast Guard, and most probably the medics who tended to them on shore. But what about their Ultimate Rescuer? The Bible describes such a scene with: "He rescued them from the grave. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love" (Ps 107:20,21 NIV). Are you quick to thank God for the hundreds of times He has rescued you? No matter what method or person became God's instrument for your deliverance, God was the "Conclusive Liberator." Thank Him, right now!

Remember: When you forget to thank God, you "miss the boat."
(from Heartwarming Bible Illustrations Copyright © 1998 by AMG International, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.) You are blessed. Thank you for reading.